Mission Statement
Steller Sea Lion Mitigation Committee
Of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Steller Sea Lion Documents
NPFMC Protected Species SSL Archives
11/16/2011 Phillips - SSL phylogeography
10/2011 Sweeney - Evaluation of ID of prey items fr. scat & spew samples
10/2011 Matthews - Colonization of Glacier Bay by SSL
10/2011 Hastings - Age specific Survival rates
1/2012 Waite - Compare diet of SSL & N. fur seals competition
11/30/2011 Bowles - Proportions of prey species in diet
1/2012 Horning - Predation & juvenile mortality
1/19/2012 Court Order
3/5/2012 Court remand call for NMFS to prepare EIS
4/17/2012 NOI to prepare and EIS for SSL protection measures in BSAI
4/2012 Kersh - Coxiella burnetii infection
4/18/2012 NMFS proposed delisting of eastern DPS SSL
5/29/2012 McBeath - Politics and science
6/11/2012 CIE review new data re: 2010 BSAI groundfish BiOp
6/27/2012 Appelants Joint Opening Brief
ESA part 402
W.T. Hogarth Memo on Adverse Modification Standard
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Ecosystem Program presentation
Defendants First Status Report Docket 158
Lander et al 2011 Diving behavior and movements of juvenile Steller Sea Lions captured in the Central Aleutian Islands April 2005
Walline et al 2012 Short term effects of commercial fishing on the distribution and abundance of Walleye Pollock
Committee Documents
SSLMC agenda 05/31/12
SSLMC DRAFT minutes 05/31/12
SSLMC agenda 06/14/12
SSLMC DRAFT minutes 06/14/12
SSLMC agenda 07/16/12
SSLMC requested papers 06/21/12
SSLMC Citations/references 2008-12
EIS process timeline
Committee Schedule
2012/11/7-9 Juneau
2012/10/2 Anchorage
2012/10/17-18 Juneau
2012/09/5-7 Juneau
2012/07/30-31 Seattle
2012/07/16-17 Seattle
2012/06/14-15 Juneau
2012/05/31 Teleconference
Aleutian Islands Steller Sea Lion Tracking
Click here for the reports